Visit the World Natural Heritage – Wulingyuan Scenic Area

Wulingyuan Scenic Area is located in Hunan Province of China, stretching more than 26,000 hectares, with more than 3,000 narrow sandstone columns and sandstone peaks, most of which are more than 200 meters high. Between the peaks, there are ravines, valleys, streams, pools and waterfalls, as well as about 40 karst caves and two large natural stone Bridges. In addition to its stunning beauty, the area is also notable for its many native endangered plant and animal species. In 1992, Wulingyuan Scenic and Historic Interest Area was listed on the World Heritage List as a natural heritage by the UNESCO World Heritage Committee.

Wulingyuan Scenic Area, located in the middle of Wulingyuan Mountains in the northwest of Hunan Province, belongs to Zhangjiajie City. It is composed of Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, Suoxi Valley and Tianzishan Nature Reserve, with a total area of 26400 hectares. The landscape type of Wulingyuan is mainly quartz sand forest landscape. In addition, there are many karst landscape, canyon landscape, mountain lake landscape, etc., everywhere is stone columns and stone peaks, cliffs and cliffs, ancient trees and famous trees, clouds and clouds, waterfalls, rare birds and exotic animals, beautiful scenery, can be called a human miracle. The scenic spot enjoys a high reputation for “strange peaks, secluded valleys, beautiful waters, deep forests and karst caves”, known as the “five wonders” of Wulingyuan.

The scenery of Wulingyuan is grand, rich and magnificent. The main landscape of the scenic spot is quartz sand peak forest landform, a total of 3103 strange peaks, the peak body is distributed at an altitude of 500-1100 meters, the height ranges from tens of meters to 400 meters, and many sandstone peaks exceed 200 meters. The stone peak poses a thousand, magnificent, coupled with the ravines, streams, dense forests, simple pastoral scenery, is beautiful. Wulingyuan has a complete range of water features, including streams, springs, lakes, waterfalls and pools, and is known as the “eight hundred rivers of Beauty”.

In addition, there are many rare wild animals and plant species, more than 3,000 species of higher plants, of which woody plants have l07 families, including 250 genera and more than 700 species. Metasequoia, ginkgo, davidia, lobster flower and other rare plants abound. There are 116 species of terrestrial vertebrates from 50 families, 34 species of mammals, 17 species of reptiles, 12 species of amphibians, and 53 species of birds. Rare animals in the scenic area are giant salamander, Asian black bear, clouded leopard, leopard and so on. Exotic birds such as pheasants, pangolins and macaques roam the jungle and mountain streams.

The quartz sandstone peak forest is an extraordinary and spectacular spectacle in Wulingyuan, and can be called the most outstanding work in nature. Wulingyuan has a large number of sandstone peak forests, water features, karst caves and biological resources, which is a special ecological region with extremely important scientific research value.

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