Tokyo Weather in February

The weather in Tokyo in February is usually cold with some precipitation.
February temperatures in Tokyo
Daily minimum temperature: about 3°C
Maximum daily temperature: about 10°C
According to past data, the average temperature in Tokyo in February is low, the average daytime temperature is around 10°C, while the night temperature can drop to around 3°C. Therefore, tourists traveling to Tokyo at this time need to prepare enough warm clothing to cope with the cold weather.

February Precipitation in Tokyo
Average precipitation: about 56mm
Average precipitation days: 6 days
Tokyo is in the dry season in February, but precipitation is still relatively frequent, with an average of about 6 days of precipitation per month. Therefore, when tourists travel, in addition to carrying warm clothes, they also need to prepare rain gear in case of emergency.

Climate characteristics of Tokyo in February
Cold and dry: In February, Tokyo’s climate is relatively cold and the air is relatively dry, so visitors need to pay attention to moisturizing and hydrating.
Moderate winds: While winds may pick up in Tokyo in February, they are not usually strong enough to affect travel.

Dress advice
During the day: It is recommended to wear warm clothing, such as sweaters, jackets, trench coats, etc., to cope with the low temperature during the day.
Night: Since the temperature is lower at night, it is recommended to wear thicker clothing, such as coats, down jackets, etc., to ensure that the body is warm.
Rain gear: Due to more rainy weather, tourists should carry rain gear, such as umbrellas, raincoats, etc.

Weather in other months in Tokyo:

Tokyo Weather in June

Tokyo weather in July

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