Tianfu Square around the tour guide

Tianfu Square is the center of Chengdu, there are many interesting places around 😆 You can first visit the Sichuan Science and Technology Museum, which is a modern science and technology museum with many interesting exhibitions and interactive experiences. Then go to Chengdu Museum to learn about the history and culture of Chengdu. At noon, you can have a hot pot at the restaurant near the museum, and in the afternoon, you can visit Taikoo Li, a shopping, food and entertainment district. In the evening, you can go to Jinli Ancient Street to feel the nightlife of Chengdu.

Tianfu Square around the tour guide

As a large public square in the center of Chengdu, Tianfu Square is a popular leisure destination for tourists and local citizens with rich cultural and tourist resources around it. The following is a detailed tour guide and precautions.

 Introduction of main attractions

Sichuan Science and Technology Museum: Located on the west side of the square, the museum displays all kinds of scientific and technological knowledge and innovation achievements, suitable for family travel.

Sichuan Provincial Library: Northwest corner of the square, providing all kinds of book lending services, suitable for tourists who like to read.

Sichuan Provincial Art Museum: Showcasing excellent works of fine art at home and abroad, visitors interested in art should not miss.

Tianfu Panda Tower: At the northeast corner of the square, it is a sightseeing tower that overlooks the beauty of the entire Chengdu city.

Special activities

Musical Fountain Show: In summer evenings, the musical fountain in Tianfu Square presents visitors with a visual feast of water and music.

Weekend market: There will be a variety of handicrafts, special snacks and other stalls around the square, which is a great opportunity to experience the local culture.

Third, precautions

Peak traffic: Tianfu Square is crowded with tourists during holidays and weekends. Please try to avoid peak hours or plan your trip in advance.

Transportation: As Tianfu Square is the center of Chengdu, transportation is very convenient. But during peak hours, it may cause some congestion. Visitors are advised to leave in advance or take public transport.

Safety: Please observe public order and pay attention to the safety of personal belongings. Especially at the weekend market, please watch your children in case they get lost.

Take photos: The beautiful scenery and special activities of Tianfu Square are good background for photos. But be respectful and avoid popping into the camera while others are taking pictures.

Climate change: Chengdu’s climate is changeable, please check the day’s weather forecast before going out, and bring appropriate clothing in case of sudden changes in the weather.

Food choice: When tasting all kinds of special snacks, pay attention to food hygiene. Avoid eating unclean food to prevent food poisoning.

Keep the environment clean: As a public place, visitors are responsible for keeping the environment clean and tidy. Do not litter everywhere, and jointly maintain the beautiful environment of Tianfu Square.

Respect local culture: When participating in various cultural activities, respect local customs and national beliefs.

Use of facilities: When using the various facilities on the square, please follow the regulations. For example, when performing in a fountain, do not get close to the pool to avoid accidents.

Night lighting: The night lighting facilities of Tianfu Square are very beautiful, but in order to protect the environment and save energy, please avoid turning on lighting tools such as flashlights for a long time.

Through the above detailed play guide and precautions to remind, I believe that your play in Tianfu Square will be more pleasant and smooth. Plan your trip well in advance to ensure you can fully experience the culture and customs of Chengdu.

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