The representative of Hakka cuisine

Chinese culture has a long history. Today, Xiaobian will take you to experience several kinds of Hakka dishes in Guangdong. Are you ready to try them together

Salt baked chicken
Salt-baked chicken is one of the classic representatives of Hakka cuisine, known for its unique cooking methods and delicious taste. To make salt-baked chicken, clean the chicken after slaughter, marinate it with cooking wine, salt, scallions, ginger and other seasonings for a period of time, and then put the chicken in a special salt oven, cover the chicken with salt, and bake it for a few hours until the chicken is cooked through. Salt-baked chicken is characterized by tender and juicy chicken, crispy skin and tender meat, and delicious taste.

Pork with preserved vegetable
Braised pork with plum vegetables is a traditional and famous dish in Hakka cuisine, which is loved by many diners for its unique taste and taste. When making pork with plum vegetables, first cut the pork belly into thin slices, marinate it with cooking wine, soy sauce, sugar and other seasonings for a period of time, and then fry the pork belly in a hot pan until both sides are golden, remove and set aside. Then soak meicai in water and chop, add scallions, ginger, garlic and other spices to stir fry, and then put the fried pork belly on the meicai, steam in the steamer for a few hours until the meat is crisp and fragrant. Meicai pork is characterized by crispy meat, melted in the mouth, the taste of Meicai is delicious, and the oily taste of pork belly matches each other, delicious.

Stuffed tofu
Stuffed tofu is a traditional and famous dish in Hakka cuisine, which is loved by many diners for its unique taste and taste. When making stuffed tofu, first cut the tofu into small pieces, marinate with cooking wine, salt, scallions, ginger and other seasonings for a period of time, and then fry the marinated tofu pieces in a hot pan until both sides are golden, take out and set aside. Then chop pork, shrimps, mushrooms and other ingredients into puree, add cooking wine, salt, sugar and other seasonings to stir well, the meat stuffed into the fried tofu cubes, put in a steamer and cook for several hours until the tofu and meat are fully cooked. Stuffed tofu is characterized by tender and juicy tofu, delicious meat filling, and delicious fragrance.

Stuffed fish
Stuffed fish is a traditional and famous dish in Hakka cuisine, which is loved by many diners for its unique taste and taste. When making stuffed fish, a fresh fish, such as a carp or grass carp, is usually chosen and cleaned after slaughter. Then cut the fish diagonally, marinate it with cooking wine, salt, scallions, ginger and other seasonings for a period of time to increase the flavor of the fish. Then cut pork, shrimps, mushrooms, diced bamboo shoots and other ingredients into small cubes, stir well with cooking wine, salt, soy sauce, sugar and other seasonings, and fill the well-tuned filling into the cut of the fish body. Stuffed fish is characterized by tender and juicy fish, rich and varied fillings, and distinct texture.

Hot and sour shredded potatoes
Hot and sour shredded potato is a traditional famous dish in Hakka cuisine, which is loved by many diners for its unique taste and taste. To make hot and sour potato shreds, first cut potatoes into thin shreds, soak in water, drain and set aside. Then the onion, ginger, garlic, chili and other spices stir-fry, and then add shredded potatoes, stir-fry until half-cooked, add an appropriate amount of vinegar, salt, sugar and other spices continue to fry until the shredded potatoes are ripe. Hot and sour potato shreds are characterized by crisp taste, hot and sour appetizer, and delicious fragrance.

Fish-flavored eggplant in pot
Fish-scented eggplant casserole is a traditional and famous dish in Hakka cuisine, which is loved by many diners for its unique taste and taste. When cooking fish fragrant eggplant, first cut the eggplant into chunks, marinate it with cooking wine, salt, onion, ginger and other seasonings for a period of time, and then fry the marinated eggplant pieces in a hot pan until both sides are golden, take out and set aside. Then chop pork, shrimps, mushrooms and other ingredients into puree, add cooking wine, salt, sugar and other seasonings and stir well, put the meat into the fried eggplant pieces, add appropriate amount of water, cooking wine, soy sauce, sugar and other seasonings into the pot and boil, stew with slow fire until the eggplant meat is fully cooked. Fish-fragrant eggplant pot is characterized by tender and juicy eggplant, delicious meat, and rich fish flavor.

Steamed ribs with black bean sauce
Steamed spareribs with Black Bean sauce is a traditional and famous dish in Hakka cuisine, which is favored by many diners for its unique taste and taste. To make steamed ribs with black bean sauce, first cut the ribs into chunks and marinate them with cooking wine, salt, scallions, ginger and other seasonings for a period of time. Then put the marinated ribs into a steaming dish, add appropriate amount of black bean juice and water, and steam them with a steamer. Steamed ribs with black bean sauce are characterized by tender and juicy ribs, rich taste and delicious taste.

Lettuce in oyster sauce
Oyster sauce lettuce is a traditional famous dish in Hakka cuisine, which is loved by many diners for its unique taste and taste. To make oyster sauce lettuce, clean the lettuce, cut it into cubes and set aside. Then the garlic, chili, onion, ginger and other spices stir-fry fragrant, and then add the appropriate amount of oyster sauce, cooking wine, salt, sugar and other spices to boil, the lettuce into the boiling spices until cooked. Oyster sauce lettuce is characterized by fresh and crisp lettuce, oyster sauce taste rich, delicious taste.

garlic paste white meat
White meat with garlic paste is a traditional and famous dish in Hakka cuisine, which is loved by many diners for its unique taste and taste. When making garlic puree white meat, first boil the pork belly, cut it into thin slices, marinate it with garlic puree, soy sauce, vinegar, sugar and other seasonings for a period of time, and then fry the marinated pork belly in a hot pan until both sides are golden, take out and set aside. Then the garlic, chili, onion, ginger and other spices stir-fry fragrant, and then the fried pork belly and stir-fried garlic paste pepper mix well. Garlic puree white meat is characterized by fresh and tender meat, garlic puree fragrance, fresh and delicious taste.

flower pig feet
Pork feet with flowers is a traditional and famous dish in Hakka cuisine, which is loved by many diners for its unique taste and taste. When making flower pig feet, first clean the pig feet, marinate them with cooking wine, salt, scallions, ginger and other seasonings for a period of time, and then fry the marinated pig feet in a hot pan until both sides are golden, take out and set aside. Then fry the peanuts, and then add an appropriate amount of water, cooking wine, soy sauce, sugar and other seasonings to boil, put the fried pig feet into the boiling seasonings, and stew with slow fire until the pig feet are fully cooked. The characteristic of the pig’s feet is that the meat of the pig’s feet is crisp and rotten, the aroma of peanuts is rich, and the taste is sweet and delicious.

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