Palace of Heavenly Purity (Qianqinggong)

Qianqing Palace is located in the Beijing Forbidden City, No. 4 Jingshanqian Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing. It is one of the three palaces after the Imperial Palace. It was built in the 18th year of Yongle in the Ming Dynasty (1420) and rebuilt in the third year of Jiaqing in the Qing Dynasty (1798). The Qianqing Palace has played an extremely important role in history, and its main functions and uses include:

Emperor’s Bedroom: The Qianqing Palace was the bedroom of the emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties. Fourteen emperors of the Ming Dynasty and the two emperors of the early Qing Dynasty Shunzhi and Kangxi all used the Qianqing Palace as their bedroom. They live here and deal with day-to-day affairs.

Place to deal with government affairs: The Qianqing Palace was not only the emperor’s bedroom, but also an important place for the emperor to deal with daily government affairs. During the years of Shunzhi and Kangxi in the Qing Dynasty, the Qianqing Palace had a close relationship with government affairs. The emperor read and studied here, read and marked chapters, summoned officials, received foreign envoys, and held inner court ceremonies and family banquets. Although Yongzheng Emperor moved to Yangxin Hall, he often went here to select officials and read and write.
Important events: Qianqing Palace has also held some important events, such as the Qianlong and Kangxi emperors of the Qing Dynasty held a thousand old banquet in Qianqing Palace. In addition, after the death of the Ming and Qing emperors, they set up a memorial hall here to show “the end of life.”

Cultural symbol: The architecture and interior decoration of Qianqing Palace reflect the dignity and majesty of the royal family, but also contain rich cultural connotation and symbolic significance. For example, the name of the Qianqing Palace “Qianqing” takes the meaning of “dry sky Qingzheng”, which symbolizes both the clear and bright sky and the virtuous and selfless of the emperor.

How to play Dry Qing Palace tour

For tourists, the Qianqing Palace is one of the important attractions that cannot be missed during the tour of the Forbidden City.

Understand the historical background: Before visiting the Qianqing Palace, it is recommended that visitors learn some relevant historical background knowledge, so that they can better understand and appreciate the historical and cultural value of the palace.

Planning tour time: The Palace Museum is open from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. every day (stop entering the park time is 4:00 p.m.), it is recommended that visitors plan the tour time in advance to avoid visiting during the peak period, so as not to affect the crowded tour experience.

Visit route: The Qianqing Palace is located in the Imperial Palace after the first three palaces, visitors can enter the Imperial Palace from the meridian gate, along the central axis of the north tour, one by one through the Hall of Supreme Harmony, the Hall of harmony, the Hall of preservation and other buildings, and finally arrived at the Qianqing Palace. During the tour, visitors can appreciate the rich architectural and cultural relics resources of the Forbidden City.

As one of the last three palaces in the Imperial Palace, the Qianqing Palace has a high historical and cultural value. During the tour, tourists can deeply understand its historical background and cultural connotation, and feel the dignity and majesty of the royal family. At the same time, it is also necessary to pay attention to safety, plan the tour time and comply with the regulations of the scenic spot to ensure the smooth progress of the tour.

For more information about Qianqing Palace, please refer to the following information on this site

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