Keemen black tea

Among the many famous Chinese teas, Keemen black tea stands out with its unique charm and flavor, becoming the only representative of black tea among the top ten famous teas. Today, let’s go into the world of Keemen black tea and explore its history, characteristics, production techniques and tasting methods.

Historical origin of Keemen black tea

Qimen black tea, referred to as Qimen Red tea, is produced in Qimen County, Anhui Province, China. It is located at the foot of Mount Huangshan, with beautiful mountains and rivers and a unique natural environment. The history of Qimen black tea can be traced back to the Guangxu period of the Qing Dynasty, when the tea in the Qimen area was mainly green tea, but due to the fierce competition in the green tea market, tea farmers began to try to make black tea in order to break through. After years of exploration and practice, Keemen black tea has gradually formed its own unique production process and quality characteristics, and won widespread praise.

Characteristics of Keemen black tea

Appearance characteristics: Keemen black tea rope is tight and uniform, the color is moist, revealing precious gold. Every piece of tea seems to be telling its own story, full of historical vicissitudes and cultural deposits.

Aroma characteristics: Keemen black tea is most praised for its unique “Keemen aroma”. The aroma is intense and long lasting, with a mixture of sugar and apple notes, and a hint of orchids. After brewing, the aroma is overflowing, and the room is fragrant.

Taste characteristics: The taste of Keemen black tea is mellow and sweet, and it melts immediately in the mouth.

The production process of Keemen black tea

The production process of Keemen black tea is exquisite and complex, and each process embodies the wisdom and effort of tea farmers. From picking, withering, rolling, fermentation and drying, every step requires careful manipulation to produce high-quality Keemun black tea.

Picking: The picking standard of Keemen black tea is very strict, generally with one bud and two leaves or three leaves. Picking time is usually in the early morning or evening to avoid the impact of direct sunlight on the quality of tea.

Wilting: The fresh leaves after picking need to wither for a period of time, so that the moisture of the tea is lost, laying the foundation for subsequent rolling and fermentation.

Rolling: Rolling is one of the key steps in the production of Keemun black tea. By rolling, the tea can be initially formed, and promote the extrusion and uniform distribution of tea juice.

Fermentation: Fermentation is the most distinctive process in the production of Keemen black tea. Under the appropriate temperature and humidity conditions, the chemical components in the tea undergo oxidation and other reactions to form the unique color and flavor of black tea.

Drying: Drying is the last step in the production of Keemen black tea. By drying or baking, the water in the tea is gradually removed to achieve the purpose of preservation and quality stability.

How to taste Keemen Black Tea

Color: High-quality Keemen black tea soup is red and transparent, like amber. If the color of the tea is too light or dark, it may not be of good quality.

Smell the tea: When tasting Keemen black tea, smell the aroma carefully. High-quality Keemun black tea has a strong and long-lasting aroma, with a mixture of sugar and apple notes, and an orchid aroma. If the smell is weak or smelly, there is a problem.

Taste of tea: When tasting Keemen black tea, it is necessary to savor its taste. High-quality Keemen black tea tastes mellow and sweet. If the taste is bitter or mixed, it may not be of good quality.

Look at the bottom of the leaf: After tasting the tea, you can observe the situation of the bottom of the leaf. High-quality Keemen red tea leaves with bright red and uniform base. Not if the base of the leaf is dull or broken.


As the only black tea representative among the top ten famous teas in China, Keemen black tea has won wide praise for its unique “Keemen aroma” and mellow taste. Drinking Keemen black tea is not only a kind of enjoyment, but also a way of cultural inheritance and soul communication.

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