Five tourist destinations in Beijing

Beijing, this ancient and modern city, carries more than 3,000 years of history, has rich cultural heritage and amazing landscapes. Let’s start this wonderful Beijing trip together!

Forbidden City

The Forbidden City, also known as the Forbidden City, is the royal palace of the Ming and Qing dynasties, located at the center of Beijing’s central axis.

24 emperors have lived here, and it is an outstanding representative of ancient Chinese palace architecture.

The Great Wall

The Great Wall is an ancient Chinese military defense project and is known as the “Eighth Wonder of the World”.

There are many Great Wall attractions around Beijing, the most famous of which are the Badaling Great Wall and the Mutianyu Great Wall.

The Summer Palace


The Summer Palace is a royal garden in the Qing Dynasty of China, located in the western suburbs of Beijing.

It is a large landscape garden built on the site of Kunming Lake and Wanshou Mountain, drawing on the design techniques of Jiangnan gardens.

The Temple of Heaven

The Temple of Heaven is a place where emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties worshipped heaven, prayed for grain and prayed for rain, located in the south of Beijing.

It is an outstanding representative of ancient Chinese sacrificial architecture and one of the world’s cultural heritage.


Nanluoguxiang is one of the most old Beijing-style alleys in Beijing, located in Dongcheng District, Beijing.

It is a commercial street integrating shopping, dining and entertainment, and is also one of Beijing’s cultural landmarks.

Beijing is a charming city with rich historical culture and natural landscape.

During this trip to Beijing, we visited famous attractions such as the Forbidden City, the Great Wall, the Summer Palace, the Temple of Heaven and Nanluoguxiang, and felt the historical heritage and cultural charm of Beijing. I hope this travel guide can help you.

Let you spend a pleasant holiday in Beijing. Looking forward to the next trip, we will meet again in Beijing!

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