Introduction to the Great Wall Tourist Attractions in Beijing

The Great Wall in Beijing, as a symbol of China and an important cultural heritage, attracts countless domestic and foreign tourists. Introduction to some major tourist attractions of the Great Wall in Beijing:

Badaling Great Wall:
It is located at the north entrance of the Guangou Ancient Road in Jundushan, Yanqing District, Beijing.
The Badaling Great Wall is the best preserved and most representative section of the Ming Great Wall. The Great Wall here is tall and strong, with dense watchtowers and complete facilities.
There are direct buses and special buses, and you can also choose to charter a car or drive yourself.

Mutianyu Great Wall:
Located in Huairou District, Beijing.
Mutianyu Great Wall is famous for its dangerous terrain and majestic Great Wall. The Great Wall watchtowers here are densely packed and the vegetation is lush. The scenery is especially beautiful in spring, summer and autumn.
There are direct tourist buses from downtown Beijing.

Simatai Great Wall:
It is located in the north of Simatai Village, Gubeikou Town, Miyun District, Beijing.
The Simatai Great Wall is the only ancient architectural site in China that retains its original appearance from the Ming Dynasty. It is famous for its five characteristics: “dangerous, dense, strange, clever and complete”.
Starting from downtown Beijing, you can drive yourself or charter a car.

Juyongguan Great Wall:
Located in Changping District, Beijing.
The Juyongguan Great Wall has a dangerous terrain and has been a battleground for military strategists since ancient times. The city walls here are strong, there are many watchtowers, and the scenery is spectacular.
Famous scenic spots such as “Yuntai” and “Shuiguan”.
Starting from downtown Beijing, there are bus and self-driving routes to reach it.

Jinshanling Great Wall:
It is located in Luanping County, Chengde City, Hebei Province, adjacent to Miyun District, Beijing City.
Jinshanling Great Wall is famous for its dense watchtowers and exquisite construction. The Great Wall here is well preserved and the surrounding scenery is beautiful.
Transportation: Starting from downtown Beijing, you can drive yourself or charter a car.

When visiting the Great Wall, please pay attention to protecting cultural relics and do not carve or damage the walls at will. At the same time, the Great Wall is located in a mountainous area, so please pay attention to safety, wear appropriate shoes and clothing, and carry enough drinking water and sun protection products.

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