How Many Days to Spend in Beijing?

The tour guide in Beijing can be flexibly arranged according to the length of stay of tourists. The following are travel recommendations based on the length of stay (one day, two days, three days, one week) :

A day in Beijing

Tiananmen Square: As one of the national symbols of China, Tiananmen Square is a must visit. You can watch the flag-raising ceremony (advance reservation required).
The Forbidden City: Within walking distance of Tiananmen Square, the Forbidden City is the world’s most complete and largest complex of ancient wooden buildings. It is recommended to book tickets in advance and tour along the central axis to visit the main buildings such as the Hall of Supreme Harmony, the Hall of Central Harmony and the Hall of Preserving Harmony.

Jingshan Park: From the Palace Museum Shenwu Gate, you can go directly to Jingshan Park. You can overlook the whole Forbidden City from here.
Wangfujing Pedestrian Street: If time permits, go to Wangfujing Pedestrian Street to taste local snacks and buy special souvenirs.

Two days in Beijing
Day 1:

Morning: Tian ‘anmen Square, Forbidden City (as mentioned above)
Afternoon: Jingshan Park, Nanluoguxiang (Feel the old Beijing Hutong culture, taste authentic snacks)
Evening: Sanlitun/Shichahai (experience Beijing’s nightlife, taste food, go to bars)
Day two:

Morning: Summer Palace (the first of Chinese classical gardens, visit Longevity Hill, Buddha Pavilion, Long corridor and other scenic spots)
Afternoon: Yuanmingyuan (Garden of thousands of gardens, enjoy the garden scenery, understand the historical background)
Evening: Choose to watch a Peking Opera performance and experience the charm of traditional Chinese culture.
Stay in Beijing for three days
Day 1:

Same as the first day of the last two days
Day two:

Morning: Temple of Heaven Park (Ming and Qing emperors worship heaven, pray for rain, visit the Hall of Prayer for Good harvest and other attractions)
Afternoon: Qianmen Street (experience old Beijing style, taste Beijing duck and other special food)
Evening: Continue to enjoy the nightlife in Sanlitun/Shichahai
Day 3:

Morning: Badaling Great Wall (less than the Great Wall is not a good man, it is recommended to book tickets in advance, you can choose cable car or hiking)
Afternoon: After returning to the city, go to the National Museum (learn about China’s long history and culture)
Evening: Free activities, go to the Bird’s nest, Water Cube and other modern architectural landmarks to visit or shopping.
Stay in Beijing for a week

One week will allow you to experience the culture and history of Beijing in greater depth.

Hutong tour
Art exhibition
College tour
Suburban tour

More information about Beijing:

Temple of Confucius in Beijing
Hutong street and its characteristics in Beijing
Five tourist destinations in Beijing

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